A totally different Sunday show

A totally different Sunday

Having two professional photographers in the family means there times when we are both like fish out of water. This weekend was my turn.

In a small business you have to be constantly marketing, my experience from my past business was if you took your foot off the gas when you were busy, a natural lull would come shortly after.

In small businesses this is known as feast or famine syndrome.

And it’s not good. Not good for your health, your bank balance or your relationships.

I’ve run small businesses 20 years this year, there’s been a lot of storms to weather, but most are survived with keeping the wheels of business turning by marketing.

Leanne is a family and newborn photographer, a rather good one (www.leannedpphotography.co.uk), so as Easter approaches we’ve been out making sure her marketing is seen as many places as possible.

It’s all about being seen. Everywhere. Regularly

With thousands of marketing messages thrown at us hourly and a world of social media, it’s great to have a stand at baby shows. You get to ask questions, tell stories, laugh and really connect with people.

You can also show the beautiful pieces of wall art, and show how important it is to get work printed and hang it on the wall.

photography business