Why on earth would a dog photographer attend a workshop on Weďding Photography?

It’s a great question, and it’s a simple one to answer. Ish.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Continuing professional development is an idea that was constant through my working career as an electrical engineer, and it’s followed into my Photography career.

One of the great pleasures of being part of a regional team for the Master Photographers Association is that you get to help shape the future of the organisation and in turn the industry.

David Stanbury is one of the great speakers, that we have invited to the West Midlands Region of the MPA, he delivered a full day workshop to a packed room on the 26th March at the Woodland Grange Hotel, Leamington Spa.

During his career David and his wife have photographed over 1000 weddings, they’ve collected countless accolades and most importantly he’s still hands on shooting every day.

You’d be surprised how many skills and techniques from the day are transferable from posing, through to lightning and editing the final image.

Learning to look outside your social circle or your industry, can often give you the solutions to problems, or freshen your approach to business.

Be bold, but keep an open mind.